If a person is said to suffer from hypertension, this expression means that the average arterial pressure of that person is above the level which is accepted as normal. The increase in blood pressure is an interesting health problem for three reasons; it is frequently seen, its effects are sometimes destructive and its symptoms are not recognizable even in the later phases of the clinical course.
Its effects are common and seen in all organs and it is determined as the only and most important factor of risk for especially both the coronary heart attacks and the cerebrovascular diseases. Also, it may cause direct congestive heart failure and renal inadequacy. There is not a threshold value, high level of which can be regarded as hypertensive and low level, safe for individuals, women and men.
Infact, this value increases gradually as the destructive effects of the blood pressure increases. Therefore, hypertension should be determined subjectively, in a way. Several people agree with the idea that the basic criterion of the diastolic pressure is always to be above 90 mmHg. That the systolic pressure is always 140 mmHg is defined as hypertension, but the clinical results of this, are different from diastolic hypertension for some reasons.
When these criteria are considered to be base, the ratio of people suffering from hypertension to the general population is found to be 25% in a comprehensive scanning program. However, the systolic and the diastolic values which are regarded as limit for adults are considered as 160/95. Even with these values, the frequency rate is frighteningly found to be 18% during this program above. Despite the fact that hypertension tends to be much more severe for young adults, the frequency of hypertension increases with age.
Approximately 90% of hypertension is idiopathic and it is specifically seen as primary (essential) hypertension. 10% of the rest is secondary for most renal diseases and coarctation of the renal artery (renovascular hypertension) which is generally caused by an atheroma plaque. Secondary hypertension develops as a result of primary aldosteronism at a low rate, and some surrenal disorders such as Cushing’s syndrome and feochromositoma.