There are various types of depression. One of the most frequent and complex is manic depression which is known to professionals as bipolar disorder.
According to definition, manic depression is a person had to have an experience at least one episode of mania and the episode had to have lasted for at least one week.
It is a episode of mental illness. The periods of severe depression or mania may or may not be accompanied by symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions and hallucination, in addition to the mood symptoms.
It is also marked by the changes of thought, energy and behavior. Behavior can be hyperactive, expansive and seductive or it can be reclusive, sluggish and suicidal.
Early detection of manic depressive reduces the damage that can be done to a person’s reputation, financial situation, employment, relationships and self-esteem.
Manic depression can be treated, but not cured.
Manic depression
Overstress and Sleep: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Sleep difficulties due to overstress have become increasingly prevalent in
modern society, affecting millions worldwide. Overstress, often caused by