The majority of secondary hypertension cases are due to chronic renal disease and therapy often in includes antihypertensive medications. Secondary hypertension is uncommon. Over 95% of hypertensive patients have primary hypertension.
Only 1-2% of secondary hypertension cases can be cured by treatment of the underlying disease.
Causes of secondary hypertension includes: renovascular hypertension, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, coartation of the aorta, and medications.
In addition, secondary hypertension can develop in association with comorbid conditions such as sleep apnea, panic disorders and/or depression.
Although infrequent, secondary of hypertension account for many cases of drug-resistance hypertension.
In secondary hypertension, the elevated blood pressure may be the major presenting manifestation of an underlying process, elevated blood pressure may simply be one component of a complex group of signs and symptoms in a patients with a systemic disease.
For some of the causes of secondary hypertension, simple interventions such as correction of renal arterial disease or removal of an offending medication can be curative.
Secondary hypertension
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