Friday, August 11, 2023

Secondary Arterial Hypertension Causes

Secondary hypertension is marked by an increased systemic blood pressure triggered by an identifiable factor. Only a small proportion, around 5-10%, of those grappling with arterial hypertension experience this secondary form, while the majority present with essential hypertension, also known as idiopathic or primary hypertension.

Secondary high blood pressure, or secondary hypertension, emerges as elevated blood pressure resulting from an underlying medical condition. A wide array of conditions and ailments can act as triggers for secondary hypertension, encompassing kidney disease, adrenal disorders, hyperparathyroidism, thyroid irregularities, aortic coarctation (narrowing), and obstructive sleep apnea. Furthermore, secondary hypertension can also occur during pregnancy.

Secondary hypertension stands in contrast to the usual form of high blood pressure, termed primary hypertension or essential hypertension, often referred to simply as high blood pressure.

Several kidney disorders can lead to secondary hypertension, including:
~Complications arising from diabetes (diabetic nephropathy).
~Polycystic kidney disease.
~Glomerular disorders.
~Renovascular hypertension.

Hypertension can arise due to conditions affecting the renal arteries supplying the kidneys. This phenomenon is known as renovascular hypertension. It is theorized that reduced blood perfusion in renal tissue due to stenosis in either the main or branch renal artery triggers the activation of the renin-angiotensin system.
Secondary Arterial Hypertension Causes

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