Crataegus is the botanical name of the genus, and hawthorn berries belong to the Rosaceae family of plants. This diverse genus is widespread across Europe, North America, and Asia. When people commonly talk about hawthorn, they usually refer to Crataegus monogyna.
The leaves, berries, and flowers of hawthorn contain flavonoids, which are chemical compounds renowned for their antioxidant effects. Moreover, hawthorn seems to have a positive impact on blood circulation and heart function.
Hawthorn is utilized for its potential to protect against heart disease and assist in managing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Hawthorn berries are well-known for their powerful vasodilating properties, which help regulate high blood pressure (hypertension). Both animal and human studies suggest that hawthorn can enhance blood flow in coronary arteries, promote better circulation, and lower blood pressure.
Research has proven the efficacy of hawthorn extract in treating hypertension in individuals with type 2 diabetes who were also on prescribed medications. Additionally, hawthorn has demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce blood pressure in people with mild hypertension when administered for a minimum of 12 weeks.
Hawthorn berries and blood pressure
Overstress and Sleep: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Sleep difficulties due to overstress have become increasingly prevalent in
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